Full, detailed information regarding grades is found in the College Catalogs. The information presented below is offered as general information.
Starting in Summer 2005, all grades are recorded electronically via the Banner information system. To save paper and postage, we do not mail grades to students. Active students can retrieve grades by logging in to Banner Web. All active students have access to this system and have a login and can create a password.
For instructions on how to use the Banner Web self-service module, please click HERE.
If you are unsure as to your login and password or if you need to reset it, you should visit
Viewing Your Grades
- Log in to your BannerWeb account
- Click on “Student and Financial Aid”
- Click on "Student Records”
- Click on "Final Grades”
- Select the Term and click the “Submit” button
Mid-Term Grades
There is no requirement for faculty to post mid-term grades in Banner. If your teacher(s) have posted mid-term grades, you will be able to view them via your Banner Web account.
Because mid-term grades are not final grades - they are only an indicator to the student of his/her progress in the course - there is no method to report these grades to anyone outside of Utica College.
Why can't I see my final grades yet?
There are several reasons why you may not be able to view your grades. Two of the most common are:
- Your instructor has not yet submitted your grade.
- You did not complete all of your Opinionaires online before the deadline.
Students who complete all of their Opinionaires are given early access to their grades: a week earlier than those who do not complete their Opinionaires.
If you have an Opinionaire hold, you will be able to view your grades the following week, which is still earlier than you would have gotten your grades than when we used to mail them out on paper.
Can I have a grade report to submit to my employer?
If you need a grade report of your final grades for your employer for reimbursement purposes, you can request it from the Office of the Registrar.
- To have your grade report mailed to your home address, call the Registrar's Office with your name and student ID#. Please specify which semester you need reported.
- To have your grade report sent to a third party (either by fax or mail), please fax a signed request to our office specifying your name, student ID#, term to be reported, and the fax number (and name of recipient, if not yourself). Our fax number is (315)792-3020.
- Grade reports cannot be e-mailed; this is a limitation of our system.
- There is no such thing as a mid-term grade report.
- Grade mailers are only for active and registered students and can be provided for the current semester or the semester prior.
Authorization to Release Grades
If you wish to authorize someone to request your grades directly, you must fill out an Authorization to Release Grades form (which is available on our Forms page) and file it with our office. You can drop it off in person, mail it, or fax it to us.
Note that completion of this form does not allow us to speak to anyone by telephone about your student records.
As of the fall semester of 2006, if you repeat a course taken previously at Utica College, we will take the better of the two grades for calculation in your GPA. This will be noted on your transcript with an "I" for "Include". The lower grade will be noted with an "E" for "Exclude".
If a course is taken more than twice, the lowest grade will be marked "E" for "Exclude," the highest grade will be marked "I" for "Include," and all other instances will be marked "A" for "Include in GPA." Credit is only awarded once, but all grades marked "I" and "A" are averaged and count towards the GPA.
Excluded courses, while still reported on your transcript as a historical record, will not affect your GPA, the credits will not count toward your total credit hours (you can only receive credit for the same course once), and you do not receive any quality points.
You cannot take a course at another institution and have it replace a grade from Utica College.