Getting a good return

The Duffs never let a good opportunity pass.
The Duffs never let a good opportunity pass. When Ron’s future wife May dropped her glove in the UC library, he gallantly retrieved it for her. When a job came up at a “Big 8” accounting firm right after graduation, Ron ’61 took it. When offered a move to the company’s Los Angeles office, he and May ’60 gladly left the cold weather behind.
And when the Duffs needed sound investment vehicles for their retirement, they found one in a Charitable Gift Annuity at UC. It enables them to support student learning at UC and earn a competitive dividend on their money at the same time. They also saw it as a good opportunity to give something back to their alma mater.
“If it hadn’t been for UC,” Ron says, “I would not have met May, would not have had our four children and six grandchildren, and would not have had the success I’ve enjoyed.”
That’s what the Duffs call a good return on investment.
Learn more about Charitable Gift Annuities and other Planned Giving Options at UC. Call 1-800-456-8278 today.
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